Uncertain Tuesday In Illoani As Ambazonia Fighters Seize Rifle From Military

NDIAN,Cameroon-Monday April 16, 2018-10:00 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) Hundreds of villagers in Barombi and Illoani in Ndian division , South West region of Cameroon have fled into bushes for fear of the unknown after a man suspected to be an Ambazonia fighter, overpowered a soldier and seized his gun around the CDC camp. CNA has gathered the military commander in Ekondo Titi has promised to descend upon the place tomorrow Tuesday and that the denizens must produce the gun.
A source speaking on anonymity told CNA that, “The ‘Amba’ guys came from a neighboring village called Barombi. The soldier left his post in Illoani village and came to see his colleagues posted at the oil mill here.But when his colleagues heard that the ‘Amba’ guys were coming they left the roadside and went into the CDC camp where they’re housed. But this one guy refused to leave the roadside. The ‘Amba’ guys stopped a distance away from the mill, one of them came and sat discussing with the military man and other idlers. Some of the people suspected and left the place but the military man was really daft. The ‘Amba’ guy bought him cigarettes and some hot drink and at a time when the guy least expected the ‘Amba’ guy pounced on him and seized his gun.”