Profile: Meet The Man, Sisiku Julius Ayuktabe, The Ambazonian Revolutionary Leader

CNA takes you to discover the 10 Ambazonia leaders locked up in Yaounde in a 10 day series …
Sisiku AyukTabe Julius was born on May 2, 1965 in Kembong, Manyu, South West region, now preferred by Ambazonians, Southern Zone. The son of late Ayuk Elias and of late OJONG Paulina, is the pioneer Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Successively Assistant Vice President in-charge of Digital Services and Marketing & Recruitment in the American University of Nigeria (AUN), Yola, Nigeria.
He worked extensively with SONEL (Electricity distribution company) in Cameroon where he improved energy efficiency in the Adamawa Region and he also developed a Customer Management application for the company.
He also worked with Cisco as Academy Manager for 23 countries in West & Central Africa until he joined American University of Nigeria. As an IT expert he voluntarily designed and developed an application for the Cameroon GCE Board for the automation of operations of the Examination.
Sisiku is a Motivational Speaker and has done so in many conferences across the globe. He and his wife, Lilian AyukTabe founded the AyukTabe Foundation (ATAB) that empowers the poor in his Eyumojock Local Government Area of the Southern Zone of Ambazonia.
He is also a member of the Adamawa Peacemakers Initiative (API) to support IDPs in Northern Nigeria. His academy at Budumbura refugee camp in Ghana won the International Academy Awards “Against all Odds” in Europe.
He was the Chairman of the Governing Council of The Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF) and was later nominated as the President of the Interim Government of Federal Republic of Ambazonia.
Alongside 11 others he was Abducted at NERA Hotel Abuja Nigeria and traded across International Borders to Cameroon where he is presently held at the Kondengui maximum Prison Yaounde Cameroun.
With wife Lilian, Sisiku has a 40 hecter farm known as ATAB Farms in Eyumojock with 28 workers, who unfortunately were driven out of the farm on the 29th of September 2017 by the Cameroon Military Forces. The farm has thus been abandoned since then.
He is married with 4 children.