Human Interest

Piah: Things slowly coming back to normal after amba attack

Activities are timidly regaining steam in Piah village-Menoua Division of the West region after armed men suspected to be separatist fighters from neighboring Lebialem-South West region attacked the village early on July 1, 2022 sending many into hiding. Days after a video of alleged members of the Red Dragon separatist group claiming responsibility for the attack surfaced online, the population is gradually coming back to their activities in the village.

“We were in the market that fateful day buying. All of a sudden we heard loud gunshots. We saw heavily armed men approaching. We ran for our dear lives” a woman who was in the market at the time of the attack recounts.

Though no one was killed, several persons were injured and houses were burnt.

“Children, women and men were amongst the injured. My house was set ablaze. I lost everything. I am homeless. I don’t know what to do” another victim lamented.

 Vehicles were also burnt down by the assailants.

“The armed men told me they burnt my car because I had a Cameroon flag inside which they don’t want to see. That was the explanation I was given” another victim says.

The inhabitants of Piah village say it is now clear undeniably clear that they are no longer safe there. Authorities have been implored to reinforce security in the village. They however regret the fact that the deplorable state of the road leading to the village will hinder quick intervention of the military should there be a repeated attack.

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