State prosecutor threatens to sue Wouri territorial gendarmerie group head if Cyrus Ngo’o is not arrested

The state prosecutor in a letter dated June 2nd 2022 has reminded the Wouri territorial gendarmerie group commander of the dispositions of various penal code articles relative to the arrest of Cyrus Ngo’o. These he says, oblige the commander to execute decisions taken by the court of law failure of which, the commander will face the law.
He ends by reinstructing the Wouri territorial gendarmerie group commander to arrest the Director General of the Douala Port Authority Cyrus Ngo’o so he can face the law at the Bonanjo court.

Meanwhile, the road and merchandise transporters’ associations have written to the president of the republic saying that Cyrus Ngo’o has been more than efficient in his position as director general and can therefore not be stripped of dignity in such a manner. They further express their concern about the hidden agenda of the people behind this maneouvre they term “unworthy” and say his arrest would greatly impact their sector of activity and should therefore be stopped.
In August 2021, a Douala court sentenced Cyrus Ngo’o to six months of suspended imprisonment and asked him to pay the company, Cana Bois, the amount of FCFA 161,726,900. Sources say that in December, the respondent attempted to pay the money using the PAD treasury but the Littoral treasurer-general said the money must come from his private pocket and not the company account. The money has not been paid till date and sources say the Secretary-General of the Presidency, Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh is protecting the Director General.