Authors And Journalists Rights In Africa

To mark International Labour Day on 1 May 2018 the Ethical Journalism Network (EJN) and Federation for African Journalists (FAJ) organised a roundtable meeting to discuss the issue of copyright and raise awareness of authors’ and journalists rights in Africa. The event, which took place in Accra, Ghana at UNESCO’s World Press Freedom Day celebrations, was attended by journalists, media practitioners, editors and media owners.
Korieh Duodu, a Ghanaian lawyer told the meeting that it is time to refashion the protection of journalistic endeavours through the law of copyright, and for Africa to pave the way by tearing up the 19th century rulebook in favour of a system that gives real protection – and value – to journalism in the digital age. Doing so, he argued, will strengthen the profession, at a crucial time when its role in increasing accountability and tackling corruption across the African continent cannot be over-emphasised.
It is, of course, impossible to generalise about the experience of African journalists. A writer in Ethiopia or Gambia may have more pressing concerns than whether someone is copying their articles. Africa’s patchwork of states neighbour those that engage in human rights abuses against journalists next to others enjoying diverse and free media. A common denominator, nevertheless, is the challenge journalists face in seeking to monetise their work, in the digital age of rampant abuse of copyright.
One key issue that has not been sufficiently analysed is the almost complete breakdown in literary copyright recognition, protection and enforcement across the African continent. Quite apart from the blatant and unethical copying of one journalist’s work by another, a more sinister force is at play.
The round table is part of the Ethical Journalism Network’s programme to improve the knowledge and awareness of authors rights in Africa, supported by Kopinor – the Norwegian collecting agency that represents copyright holders of published works through 22 member organisations.
The EJN is in the process of developing an online toolkit for journalists to help them protect their rights in the digital age. For more information contact Chris Elliott.