NW/SW Post and Telecommunications workers lament over eight years of unpaid salaries

A group of Post and Telecommunications workers under the Multipurpose Community Telecenters and Digital Access Points (TCPs) in the North West and South West regions, have cried foul over the non-payment of their salaries.
They say their plea is yet to be heard despite multiple letters written to the Minister of Post and Telecommunications and others deposited at the Prime Minister’s office.
As indicated in their last letter to the Prime Minister on February 1, 2023, they are on a strike which “will continue till we know why we are not being paid”.
One of the affected workers, who opted for anonymity, wrote to CNA noting that their service was initiated to bring technology closer to the people in the local areas or villages, “but for over the years we haven’t been paid or compensated.
“We are not even recognized as workers under this ministry or better still not covered by the labour code in Cameroon” the worker added.
Concerns have also been raised over the loss of some colleagues during the anglophone crisis, with the striking personnel regretting that other government and private institutions are taking steps to assist victims, “but we have been neglected since 2015”.
The workers say they won’t relent till their money is paid.