WPFD Message From CCMN Coordinator

World Press Freedom Day 2020 message from the Coordinator of Cameroon Community Media Network, Rose Obah
There could have been no timely theme for the celebration of this year’s World Press Freedom Day, than, “Journalism without fear or favour.”
The right of journalists to discharge their duties under safe conditions, without being harassed, attacked, intimidated, beaten and imprisoned, cannot be overemphasized. Many have also been murdered, illegally arrested while some currently under arbitrary detention.
The safety of journalists is an uphill challenge in today’s world. Attacks on media professionals are often perpetrated by organized crime groups, militia, security personnel, and even local police, making journalists feature among one of the most vulnerable in society.
I speak from experience as I have come face to face with physical and moral threats and intimidation for exercising my fundamental right to freedom of expression especially in the line of duty.
In spite of all these, dear colleagues, let us continue to:
– To Expose and excoriate evil in any shape or form
– Be constructive in the exercise of our noble profession
– Resist injustice with all our might and
– Report nothing but the Truth
Good Journalism is equal to Peace Journalism and this entails reporting Objectively to build and not to destroy.
Happy World Press Freedom Day 2020 to us all
PJ Obah Rose
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