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United Agro-Pastoral Farmers Cooperative Makes Giant Steps In Procuring Seed Potatoes For Farming


Bamenda- Saturday, October 26, 2019

We are happy to inform our partners in Cameroon, local farmers, and the general public that on September 9-25, 2019, our President, NONO Godlove, was in South Africa to negotiate ways of solving the limited issues of Seed Potatoes among farmers.

Upon approval by the Board of Directors, Mr. NONO Godlove landed in South Africa to negotiate deals with the Wesgrow Potatoes company, which is the local representative of the Dutch potato breeder HZPC Holland.

A contract was signed between our Cooperative and the Wesgrow company. Since they are the local representative in South Africa, we succeeded in getting their approval to distribute their seeds in Cameroon and Central African subregion.

The good news is that two containers of Seed Potatoes will be arriving Cameroon in the days ahead. We will make an official announcement once they arrive.

We want to thank everyone who has never doubted our productivity and capabilities in making potato farming an easy ride in Bamenda and Cameroon in general.

Our doors shall remain open to new members and those who want to purchase the new seeds in due course.


The United Agro Pastoral Farmers Cooperative Society, UNAF-COOPBOD, with head Office in Bambui, Bafut Tubah Council Area in the North West region, is registered under 19/021/CMR/NW/38/206/CCA/00/002/00/002004.

We are legally registered, reliable and productive. Our activities include among others; the production of Solanum Potatoes, Maizes, Vegetables, Loan Scheme and Climate change mitigation.

Our President, NONO Godlove and his collaborators have been making sure that we have the best of deals nationally and internationally.

We also train those interested in our services. Our doors are opened.

UNAF-COOPBOD also sells in big markets including exporting to Gabon and other neighboring countries.


Contact United Agro-Pastoral farmers Cooperative on

Calls/SMS: +237 679 933 968

WhatsApp: +237 675 993 034

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