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UN Organized Referendum, Only Solution To Armed Conflict In NWSW- African Bar

Douala-Cameroon- Monday, January 13, 2020-6: 40 PM Local Time( Cameroon News Agency) The President of the African Bar Association, Hannibal Uwaifo, has on Friday, January 10, 2020, on behalf of members of the Bar written to British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, highlighting that the only solution to end the spates of violence in the North West and South West regions is a well-organized referendum, supervised by the United Nations.

The President cited countries like South Sudan, Scotland, UK, Quebec and other states or regions that found a solution to their political problems by passing through the referendum.

He questioned the role played by the international community especially superpowers, adding that the Swiss-led process has not been fully endorsed by the government of Cameroon. To him, the mediation or any other third-party mediation is a golden opportunity for the Cameroon Government who have been saying that the Separatists have no case.

“Trenches have been dug and the Government in Cameroun has been encouraged to kill and imprison more as the United Nations, the Common Wealth of Nations and countries like Great Britain which handled Southern Cameroon to Francophone Cameroun, have refused to speak decisively and hold the Cameroon government accountable for crimes committed against the defenceless citizens of Southern Cameroons” Hannibal Uwaifo, told Boris Johnson.

The President of the African Bar went ahead to give the British Prime Minister a chronology of the conflict in Southern Cameroons, urging the British to solve the situation and keep a legacy.

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