Melong denizens tired of horrible traffic

The population of Melong in the Moungo division of the Littoral region say they face circulation difficulties on week days with the situation getting worse during weekends. According to them, this is due to traffic jam brought about by urban disorder specifically at the Melong roundabout and Carrefour la ForĂªt. Here, people spend between 30 and 50 minutes on the spot.
“Since there is motor park here, interurban transporters tend to load and offload along the main road completely paralyzing circulation. The Melong council authorities should have thought of creating a motor park to eradicate this disorder. Here is the result,” an inhabitant of Melong compained.
To avoid the traffic jam, most drivers and bike riders now make use of other roads to reach their destinations, despite the fact that it is longer.
“We are compelled to use an alternative road especially when circulation is blocked at carrefour la ForĂªt. We go through town to arrive at the carrefour In front before continuing the journey,” a driver revealed.
A trader on her part evokes frequent accidents on the national road number 05. The traffic she says, has raised the rate of insecurity as children who hawk there are often attacked.
Speaking to the Mayor of the Melong council on this issue, Jean Kuete, said the council has already envisaged the creation of two moto parks to curb the disorder.
“One of the motor parks will be at La ForĂªt and the other at Rond Point Melong. I am sure anytime soon, these two projects will be realized,” assured Mayor Jean Kuete.
In the meantime, the Melong council has rehabilitated an old road that passes through Melong centre leading to carrefour la ForĂªt in order to facilitate circulation, reduce the tight traffic jam and accidents on the national road number 05.