UB Student Protest on Fake Certificates: Return of UBSU?

Buea,Cameroon-July 10,2017-8:6 pm Local Time(Cameroon News Agency)Several students besieged the premises of the University of Buea during the installation ceremony of the new team to head the institution, brandishing placards and asking the Minister of Higher education to stop the flow of fake certificates.
The atmosphere was tense reminiscent of strike actions usually orchestrated by the now defunct University of Buea Student Union, UBSU.
The shouting was intense yet no particular leader could be identified as the forerunner but their cries for justice sounded loud, Professor Jacques Fame Ndongo could not continue his journey without addressing the students.
He stepped down from his car and promised that the issue of fake certificates in UB will be top on his table when he arrives Yaoundé. The students want him to strip off the Bachelor and Masters degree of the Mayor of Buea, Patrick Ekema Esunge who according to South West Human Rights Secretary, Tambe Tiku, did not pass the GCE Advance level but got admitted into the university.
UBSU disappeared about four years back just few months after Dr Nalova Lyonga came to power.
Photo: Ngonmenyui