West Region: Rumours Of Swine Fever Instills Fear

The governor of the West region like his counterpart in the North West has prohibited the transportation and commercialization of pigs and by-products. The release dated July 16 signed by governor Awa Fonka Augustine states that sanitation agents of the ministry of livestock, fisheries, and animal industry have been dispatched to the field to inspect all pigs reared in the West. A move is similar to that of Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique in the North West region. These civil administrators fear a swine fever which could have devastating effects on the sector of activity.
On July 4, a truck transporting pigs from the North West to the Littoral was intercepted in Melong and thirty pigs were found dead. As of now, a kilogram of pork with bones is sold at 2500 FRS while that without bones costs 2300 FRS a kilogram at the Bonamoussadi market in Douala and vendors affirm they buy their pigs from homologated slaughter sites. Meantime an inspection team has been dispatched to markets in Douala to see that prices do not increase and pigs sold are healthy.
Dr. Bashi veterinarian at the Littoral delegation of livestock, fisheries, and animal industry says eating a lump of cooked infected pork could lead to food poisoning and demands that until this rumor is debunked by competent authorities, roast pork sold by the road should be strictly avoided.