Senator Mukete And Jeune Afrique Interview: Was It A Sabotage Mission

Bamenda, Cameroon-Tuesday February 20, 2018-6:30 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) An interview of Senator Nfon VE Mukete, conducted by Jeune Afrique, a French news magazine on its issue number 2980 of February 18, 2018 has misinterpreted his stands on the form of the State. According to the interview, the Paramount ruler of the Bafaws, clearly said only a return to federalism will solve the Anglophone crisis but the French media outlet has taken this as saying he is calling for a separate state; thereby standing against President and Chairman of the ruling CPDM party, Paul Biya.
The interview of the Board chairman of CAMTEL is seen as unprecedented in the ongoing political impasse. This is because Senator Nfon VE Mukete was bold enough though CPDM member, to tell Paul Biya, the bitter truth about Cameroons reunification and proposed workable solutions which to him will be a return to federalism. French media outlets in Cameroon have been quick to make political gains out of this interview granted to Jeune Afrique.
All throughout this Anglophone crisis, major French daily newspapers have been hitting hard on Anglophones calling them all sorts of names and sending out propaganda in favor of prominent figures.
It is being echoed that as Senatorial election is approaching, some party bigwigs are fighting to have the eldest member kicked out of Senate and his position as Board Chairman of CAMTEL.
During his interview with Jeune Afrique, the eldest member of Senate said the Anglophone crisis would have been history if the root causes were handled at the beginning. He added that the Commission of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism came a bit late when things seemed to have gone out of proportion
He expressed his readiness to talk to President Paul Biya on the way out of this crisis, as someone who was present during the reunification process, “I owe him my part of the truth and must tell him before the end of my current mandate as Senator.” He told Jeune Afrique.
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