Free Yourself From Bondage To Help Southern Cameroonians-Ndansi Elvis

Our country needs men and women who are courageous and kind enough to look beyond their personal interests & egos and ask themselves if they have done anything to resolve the crises or bring help to the suffering people of Southern Cameroon.
On that day, the question will not be how much you have in your bank account rather, it will be what did you do to others who were in need, hunger, homelessness, sickness, displaced in your region of origin? – your own people.
On that day the question will not be what was your position in government, rather it will be, what did you do to denounce the killings and burning of the homes of the people from your region of origin? – your own people
On that day the question will not be which political party you militated in, rather it will be about whether you were able to speak out within the ranks of your party and denounce election fraud, burning of their homes and the pain inflicted on the people from your region of origin – your own people.
On that day, the question will not be how many followers you had on Facebook or how many views your Facebook video had, rather it will be what did you say on social media that led to the killing of the people from your region of origin –your own people
Even the rich sons and daughters of the land are afraid to donate to refugees and IDPs for fear of being considered as supporting the Anglophones….Your own people.
That day will come. You will be alone. You will be with yourself. And the Judge will be within you. And the punishment will be known by you alone.
You have a chance to free yourself from that bondage by doing something. It is not late. The time is always right to do what is right.
Martin Luther King Jr said “ Our lives begin to end the day we begin to be silent about the things that matter” and “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others”
My deep reflection on Martin Luther King’s day.
God Bless Cameroon.
Ndansi Elvis