PCC Pastor Resigns After Receiving One Month Suspension

Rev Bah Pius, the Youth Pastor for the South West Region and Associate Pastor PCC Down Beach Limbe, has resigned from the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC, a statement from him reads. His resignation comes four days after the PCC Synod Executive Committee, the highest Church body, landed him a one month suspension from all Church activities for operating what they described as parallel Ministry activities; collecting funds, on and offline activities, failure to respect Church instructions among others.
In his resignation which was circulated on social media, ” The PCC has a very strong organigram and good structure as laid down by the early Church Fathers but it has been tampered with everything and the sacredness of the Holy Sanctuary for which I refuse to be a part.”
The decision from the Synod Committee Executive was taken on March 20, 2020 and made public one week after. The decision to suspend Rev. Bah from all Church activities was expected to begin on April 1, 2020, the same day he decided to resign from the PCC.
To Rev. Bah Pius, preaching online is an option he will never let go, “I have chosen to continue preaching both on the online and offline media. My wife and I have thought it over and over; and we began praying over this since December 2019 during our 21 Days fasting. We said how can we abandon all these millions of people, Christians of all branches in Christianity who get up every morning, just to get their meditations. How can we abandon them especially at this time of lent and Lockdown due to the Plague at a time the world has gone digital and the most important tool that pastors have now is the social media.”
He was expected to take residence at Church Center Kumba in the South West region, where at the end, the Counselling unit were to give their impression.

Resignation Message of Rev. Bah Pius
Dear friends in Christ Jesus good morning blessings. I welcome you to April, the month of New Direction. I decided to insert this information here so that it can reach out to many who are following me online to know what exactly is my decision in respect to my service with the PCC. *Today the 1st of April 2020, I announce to all those who have links with me that I have resigned from the PCC from this day forward, and I ceased from being a pastor of the PCC*. After taking a keen look at the twist of events in the PCC my wife, kids and myself after due prayers and considerations, after seeking the face of God, agreed that we peacefully, gracefully and quitely walk away from the PCC. The PCC has a very strong organigram and good structure as laid down by the early Church Fathers but it has been tampered with everything and the sacredness of the Holy Sanctuary for which I refuse to be a part. I will forever respect the PCC structures that trained me right up to my Masters Degree and I am now I am a PhD student. I was authorised as a Pastor in 2005 and ordained by the respected and venerated Moderator of all time the Very Rev Dr Nyansako-ni-Nku on the 12th December 2007 at PC Azire in Bamenda. I have served this Church for 15 years lacking two months, at both the Regional and National levels.
The decision we have taken may hurt some people and may please others. But where my concern mostly is the voice of God I have heard and of which I am bound to follow without any external influence. I know that after my decision as agreed with my family, some people will blackmail, insult, provoke or slander me. But I can assure you that we have resolved not to insult anybody or slander anybody or tarnish anybody; we will leave in dignity and we will be looking forward and not backward to detractors. We will focus on our goals and Ministry objectives and not on side comments and detractors. We have come a long way and we are going furthest.
I have chosen to continue preaching both on the online and offline media. My wife and I have thought it over and over; and we began praying over this since December 2019 during our 21 Days fasting. We said how can we abandone all these millions of people, Christians of all branches in Christianity who get up every morning, just to get their meditations. How can we abandone them especially at this time of lent and Lockdown due to the Plague at a time the world has gone digital and the most important tool that pastors have now is the social media. How can I stop feeding the hungry people in Asia and the middle East, Europe, Africa or America where churches are faraway from them? Many persons and their families depend on these daily meditations for strength before going out daily. We cannot compromise this, the LORD told us and we are standing with it till our dying days are done.
As we leave PCC, our prayers are with the many families and friends we have met and enjoyed the things of the kingdom for all these years. We are praying for you and we have in our hearts the two pastors we stood firm behind them, the Revs Fochang Babila George and Mokoko Thomas Mbue, Simple and humble servants of God. And to those my younger colleagues and senior brothers and sisters in the ministry and all the laity especially Mami Njalla Quan Lilian and Friends here in the Country and abroad. We will forever remain grateful. Our last station and the session of PCC Beach in Limbe, we say thank you for everything. Life is like a road junction. We will always meet. As the LORD spoke to us not to get into any dispute or confrontation with anybody, we will obey that voice till the end.
Our way forward:
For the moment we will remain in prayers while feeding God’s children through the media. Our next step will be decide by God as soon as he deems it necessary. Please kindly pray for us and for those who will be disappointed by our action to resign, we hope you will later on understand us.
Remember that Romans 8:28 says “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. I prophesy, Everything is turning around for our good in the name of Jesus Christ.
I prophesy, as nothing and nobody can stop a moving electric train; let our advancement be like that of an electric vehicles or train in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I prophesy may God turn all obstacles and stumbling blocks into stepping stones, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I prophesy, the LORD God who calls, justifies, glorifies and anoints; pour his favour and Grace upon you and your families in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Who or what can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus? Prophesy to yourself. I am a winner. I am a victor. I am born to reign and born to shine, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we have prayed with thanksgiving Amen. GOD DEY UP. Me too I dey up. NOMANNOPASSGOD!!!”