Here Is The Pathetic GCE O/L Results Statistics

Douala, Cameroon-Monday August 14,2017-9:00 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) Ordinary Level results of the 2017 session of the General Certificate of Education Examination, GCEE have finally been made public with statistics indicating a drastic drop in performance as compared to last year 2016.
This year’s results are disastrous, out of 80,212 who registered, only 46, 532 sat for the exams and 11,770 passed with a percentage pass of 25.29 contrary to last year where 110702 who registered 102, 857 sat for the session and 63,951 passed with a percentage of 62.17.
Results of some candidates have been withheld for malpractices a case in point is the result of Centre 11233 GBHS Isangele for some suspected malpractices. The GCE Board is also withholding results of candidates who wrote without registration following orders from the minister of Secondary Education.
This is the most catastrophic results ever obtained in the history of the GCE Board which comes on the heels of Anglophone crisis, a situation which paralyzed activities in schools since November last year.
The O/L results were delayed for three days after the Board published results of the A/L last Friday.
Photo: The Post 2012