Opinion: We Need An African Health Organization- Barrister Nguve

The absence of positive action from the World Health Organization regarding the Malagasy anti-covid-19 organics calls for the establishment of the African health organization (AHO).
The recent strides made by the Malagasy Health Experts regarding the development of a herbal portion to fight the hitherto controversial virus has animated the conventional and social media on the efficacy of this herbal product and the lack of enthusiasm by the WHO in lending credence to this move. While other African Heads of States have somewhat endorsed this move by expressly congratulating their Malagasy counterpart and expressing interest in requisitioning same, the West and the WHO remain lackadaisical in making a positive statement on this milestone work of African Medical Health Research. The WHO is now seen as a clog on the wheel on the advancement of African Traditional and Medico-pharmacological exploits.
While the West see an outbreak of a pandemic like this to make money for their pharmaceutical industries, Africans are concerned with their total health with no financial gains. We all know the mafia that exist even in their vaccines that keeps Africans constantly sick.
Furthermore, as Africans just like other races and continents, we have our own peculiarities and our research takes into consideration our specificities. The Asians and Chinese, in particular, have developed their medical products which now sell in many markets with positive outcomes.
I do not speak as a Medical Doctor or a Public Health Specialist, but I speak as an Advocate for positive action. It is now time for African Medical Researchers to ponder on having an independent continental body to endorse solutions for Africans, peculiar to our specificities. We cannot forget in the haste the exploits of Prof Victor Anomah Ngu in his VANIVAX discovery which never saw the light of day. The campaign should be on.
The Malagasy Organics made from Artemisia may not be the optimum cure for COVID-19 but it must be credited as a step in the right direction and must have the blessing and support of all to attain its optimal development.
Senegal on their part have come up with testing mechanisms which is novel also and must be credited.
Bishop Kleda in Cameroon on his part has suggested that he has a combination of plants that can assist in the wellness of COVID patients and calls for more research.
I am submitting that if we wait on the WHO to endorse and sponsor all these moves, we shall continue to trade our God given wits in medical science while we continue to die as some whites, who are not medical experts, have suggested. ARFICA SHOULD STAND AS ONE AND COORDINATE THEIR SCIENTIFIC RESULTS TO SALVAGE THIS PANDEMIC AND MORE DANGEROUS PANDEMICS THAT WILL BE CREATED IN WESTERN AND ASIAN LABORATORIES.
The time has come for Africans to give meaning to the dreams of former Pan-Africanist like Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah and Julius Kambarage Nyerere who always suggested an African solution to African problems.
William Nguve is a Barrister and Solicitor at Portio Jure Law Firm-Buea, Member of the Nigerian and Cameroon Bar Association.