Catholic Sister completes doctorate studies, offers Thanksgiving mass

Reverend Sister Dr. Jackie Manyi Atabong, Sister of St. Therese (SST) of Buea Diocese recently graduated with a Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Specialist in Trauma in the US. Upon her completion, she offered a thanksgiving mass in Washington, D.C. USA, CNA learned.
On Saturday, November 18, 2023, Reverend Sister Doctor Jackie Manyi Atabong, Sister of St. Therese (SST), Vicar General of SST, Councilor in charge of apostolates and Development Office of SST of Buea, with a Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Specialist in Trauma.
A Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated at 5.15 pm at The Church of the Resurrection located at 3315 Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, Maryland, USA by Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson.
The Holy Mass was concelebrated by Archbishop Cornelius Fontem Esua, emeritus archbishop of Bamenda Archdiocese, Cameroon and Bishop Jerome Feudjio, diocesan bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas in the United States Virgin Islands, and first native African bishop to be consecrated in the USA from Cameroon. Remarkably, No priest attended the ceremony.
After Holy Mass, a reception followed immediately at the Hampton Conference Center located at 207 W Hampton Pl, Capitol Heights, in Maryland, USA.
By Joseph Besong