OEAS Declares NIAC In Southern Cameroons

The Organization of Emerging African States, OEAS, has said based on reports on the Ambazonia (Southern Cameroon) Conflict by respected NGOs: The Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa, International Crisis Group, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International and going by the legal provisions of Article 3 of Geneva Convention (1949) the conflict in the northwest and southwest regions is now declared a Non-International Armed Conflict, NIAC. Such declarations gives full powers to Ambazonia groups to target military, use weapons as done in war situations it also justifies the application of a law of war regime.
“The OEAS also find the various Ambazonian units such as Southern Cameroons Defense Forces, the Red Dragons, Ambazonian Defense Forces, Ghost Warriors, and Seven Karta and their commanders meet the definition of an organized armed force which has and is capable of sustaining a long term armed conflict and controlling territory.”
Article 3 of Geneva Convetion (1949) Now in Effect
Accra, Ghana:
The Organization of Emerging African States (OEAS) is a unique international organization serving the emerging states of Africa seeking self-determination since 2011. OEAS has offices in the United States and Ghana and recognition as a United States public charity and an NGO registered with the European Union and United Nations.
At the request of OEAS founding member Ambazonia and upon research by the OEAS legal officer Dr. Jonathan Levy, OEAS declares the conditions for a Non International Armed Conflict (NIAC) under Article 3 of Geneva Convention (1949) are met.
There are two requirements for a Non International Armed Conflict (NIAC):
The hostilities must reach a minimum level of intensity. This may be the case, for example, when the hostilities are of a collective character or when the government is obliged to use military force against the insurgents, instead of mere police forces.
Non-governmental groups involved in the conflict must be considered as “parties to the conflict”, meaning that they possess organized armed forces. This means for example that these forces have to be under a certain command structure and have the capacity to sustain military operations.
Since the unilateral declaration of self-determination by Ambazonia in October 2017, these conditions have been met. The OEAS has found that the hostilities are continuous and of an intensity that rises above mere civil disturbances, terrorism or riots. The OEAS also find the various Ambazonian units such as Southern Cameroons Defense Forces, the Red Dragons, Ambazonian Defense Forces, Ghost Warriors, and Seven Karta and their commanders meet the definition of an organized armed force which has and is capable of sustaining a long term armed conflict and controlling territory.
The purpose of the NIAC is to provide relief to the Ambazonian civilians who are the true victims of the conflict as well as participants to the conflict who have laid down their weapons due to sickness or wounds. An immediate prohibition of the following acts in regard to civilians, wounded, and prisoners is now in effect:
(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;
(b) taking of hostages;
(c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;
(d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.
Additionally, the wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for and an impartial humanitarian body, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) or Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), may offer their services to the Parties to the conflict.
The immediate application of the NIAC to Ambazonia conflict was suggested by a senior ICRC official who indicated that under international humanitarian law Ambazonia need not wait for the ICRC to declare the NIAC but could initiate the process itself. The local Cameroon Red Cross Society is nominally headed by Chantal Biya, wife of dictator Paul Biya, who the Ambazonians hold responsible for their plight and ordering war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ambazonia.
The recent atrocities by forces of the Republic of Cameroon against villagers in Ambazonia as well as hostage taking and extortion by some former Ambazonian units has prompted the urgency of this declaration.
The declaration of Non International Armed Conflict (NIAC) under Article 3 of Geneva Convention (1949) is based on the investigations of the OEAS as well as reports on the Ambazonia (Southern Cameroon) Conflict by respected NGOs: The Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa, International Crisis Group, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International.
Done this 4, July 2020 in Accra, Ghana
Dr. Ebenezer Akwanga, Secretary General, OEAS