New On CNA-My Editorials Act One : Anglophones Enemies To Anglophones?

Bamenda,North West Region
By Mukon Njouny Nelson
19 December, 2015
What is happening with icons of Anglophone heritage? While Anglophones of the former West Cameroon apparently intensified the fight against their constant marginalization or so, from their French speaking brothers of the former La Republique or East Cameroon in 2015, happenings even within Anglophone cycles may rather suggest that Anglophones are the greatest enemies of Anglophones.
During elections into the Bar Council, Anglophone lawyers of common law extraction were unable to speak in union and only had to lick their wounds afterwards. Why will Anglophone journalists as few as they are, have a plethora of associations claiming to be defending the same interest, that of Anglophone journalists?
Why are there these multitudes of Anglophone teachers’ trade unions? All for the interest of the Anglo-Saxon styled educational system? One begins to wonder?
Observant Cameroonians on both sides of the River Mungo would agree with me that our President Paul Biya, does not act with alacrity when he is not confronted. Are the other regions of the country grabbing more posts and development allocations by accident? We don’t think they do this by playing some game of chances. They have leaders and lobbies to promote and achieve the interest of their people
But who speaks or lobbies for Anglophones? When former ministers from the Grand North, Regions published a stinking memo of their plight in October 2002, outlining their problems; the regime panicked.
In a hasty reaction, President Biya appointed two ministers, and signed a special order for the recruiting of an additional 3000 students, exclusively from the Northern Regions, into the Higher Teacher Training Colleges of Maroua. Can this also be possible with Anglophones? Yes it can!
But how can this be? When a people, assumedly with excellent skills and communication knowhow, have unfortunately accepted to be reduced to play the fourth fiddle, instead of the first or second which they rightly deserve?
A situation compounded by the fact that government would not listen to the radical SCNC, at a time when the South West chiefs, the North West Fons and elites from both Anglophone Regions are more concerned with parochial personal or Regional interests and monotonous motions of support even on issues that are detrimental to their people.
Who can mobilize Anglophones to have a lobby? We know you can have some of them out there, if only they would accept to put away egoistic interest.
News Extra Foundation Radio
FM 100
Bamenda, Cameroon