Maurice Kamto Petitions National Assembly To Declare Vacancy In Cameroon

Following an April 3, 2020, one week ultimatum to President Paul Biya to show proof of life, the leader of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement, has written to the National Assembly and the Bureau to seize the Constitutional Council which will now declare that Cameroon’s Presidency is vacant. Maurice Kamto says the law does not say who can seize the national assembly for the exercise. The decision to begin a long walk towards declaring a power vacuum in Cameroon comes the same day when one of Paul Biya’s ‘long time subordinate’, Professor Joseph Owona was appointed as member of the Constitutional Council.
Communication Minister, Rene Sadi, last week said President Paul Biya was still alive and carrying out his Presidential duties.
Since the COVID-19 erupted, Paul Biya has not been seen in public.
Kamto Statement
My dear compatriots, in the face of the unprecedented political situation in which our country finds itself, characterized by the prolonged and unexplained absence of the Head of State in office, I have decided to act, in accordance with my Statement dated 3 April 2020.
According to the law, it is the sole privilege of the Speaker of the National Assembly, acting with the assent of the Bureau of this Institution, to seize the Constitutional Council for the purpose of establishing a power vacancy at the Presidency of the Republic. The law does not say who can solicit the President of the National Assembly for this purpose. It thus opens this possibility to any citizen or political organization. This is why I have seized in writing, with evidence of receipt thereof, the Speaker and the Bureau of the National Assembly, so that in good conscience, they assume their responsibilities before you and before history. I have taken mine.
Maurice KAMTO, 15 April 2020