Cameroonian soldiers warned against cohabitation at duty posts, detachment missions

By Stephen TADAHA
The commander of the 12th Motorized Infantry Brigade (BRIM) has expressed concerns about “cases of cohabitation of soldiers during missions and detachments, and even in their assigned post.”
In a correspondence to other commanders under his supervision, Col Arsène Félicien Ndzana Fouda on behalf of General Joseph Nouma commanding the 12th BRIM, notes that the soldiers concerned go as far as abandoning their wives and children back home in favor of other concubines that they maintain. This double life, according to the military top official, has devastating consequences on the homes of these soldiers.
Some of the devastating incidents produced as a result of such relationships, are the “suicide of concubines”, deplores Colonel Ndzana Fouda.
Also, he instructs the various commanders of his brigade to raise awareness among military men about “managing intimate relationships with young girls in neighborhoods and villages.” The senior officer does not specify whether this involves teaching his men to better manage their extramarital affairs or not to have them at all.
Either way, the goal is to ensure that “these incidents do not happen again.” As a result, commanders are also asked to “detect contentious cases and follow them personally while reporting”.