Bamenda to soon host modern slaughterhouse, construction works to begin 2025

By Stephen TADAHA with additional information from Ecomatin
Bamenda chief town of the North-West of Cameroon will host an industrial slaughterhouse by 2027 whose construction works have been scheduled to begin in 2025 with a 24-month deadline funded to the tune of FCFA 4.7 billion, reports from Ecomatin said.
The works will involve the design and construction of a modern industrial beef slaughterhouse and a cold store in Bamenda as well as the supply, assembly and commissioning of the equipment according to an official document from the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (Minepia).
The ministerial department also indicates that the group of companies, Premier Enterprise and Techno Alimento group, in charge of construction works, will also be responsible for training staff and offering technical assistance services in Cameroon including equipment such as driving handle separators, cattle boxes for the halal ritual, safety barrier type posts, the elevator, the bleeding rail, road works among others.
In 2023, the North-West Region produced just over 8% of the total volume of beef consumed that year in the country which is exactly 10,848 tons of beef according to the Ministry of Livestock, fisheries and animal industries.
The production was far behind the Center (31,787 tonnes), Littoral (27,581 tonnes) and Far North (18,931 tonnes) regions. The volume of meat produced in the North-West is down by 1% compared to the 11,000 tonnes recorded in 2022.
The government’s choice to build this new slaughterhouse in the North-West region is to boost production in the region, the 4th largest beef producer in the country, and across the national territory in general.