My Editorial Act Five: Honorables, Cameroon Is At The Edge Of A Precipice

Cameroon’s parliament; that is the National Assembly and the Senate convenes this week. Certainly without one of its member, SDF parliamentarian Hon. Joseph Wirba who may have been forced to go breath liberty air in far away land.
At this time when all avenues to broker a deal in the stalemate between government and the Anglophone community have been exploited and nearly exhausted, all eyes are now on the people’s representatives; if really they are, for the last hope.
Time for pretence is over! No one in his or her right mind should at this critical point in the life of this nation, overlook the fact that Cameroon is practically at the edge of a precipice.
For once parliament should handle one issue; I mean this Anglophone crisis with all the diligence it deserves and earn the title “Honorable”. If they choose to do as usual, pretending over non-consequential bills or ratifying international treaties that are hardly ever respected, then they continue to give credence to public opinion that it is a parliament of sycophantic boot-lickers s, even ready to rubber stamp the death warrant of their compatriots.
Time to stay with your internet and others with their school boycott is over;
Time to stay with the leaders of the outlawed consortium and others with their Ghost Towns is over;
Time for cosmetic dialogue is over!
I don’t want to blame the population for sending text messages, I don’t even want to blame ministers Jacques Fame Ndongo and Issa Tchiroma Bakery, whom many now indict for the present stalemate, because I trust one person is in charge. My President, our President, Paul Biya, who in an interview in Far away France, declared that he would love to be remembered as one who brought democracy to Cameroon. And since democracy is listening to the people, I think he has listened enough and time for action is now. If he fails, the writing on his epitaph would be contrary to his earthy desires.
Mokun Njouny Nelson