Doors Of Bafia Diocese Sealed Till Further Notice

Bafia,Cameroon-Tuesday August 29,2017-9:40 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) The doors of the diocese of Bafia Diocese in the Centre region of Cameroon have been sealed after Church authorities gave their consent for the exercise.
The decision to shut down the doors was taken after traces of blood were found on the grave and seat of the deceased bishop of the Diocese Jean Marie Benoit Bala who died under unclear circumstances.
The Bishop of Obala, Mgr Leopold Sosthene Bayemi who is currently sitting in for the Administrator of the Bafia Diocese who is on break, disclosed that the traces of blood were discovered early Monday August 28, 2017. He suspected something might have happened the previous night, Sunday.
But it was not clear whether the traces of blood were rituals carried by locals or an individual or group of individuals. It is not also clear whether his presumed murderers carried out the act.
However experts are still to determine whether it was blood and if it was human or blood from an animal.
All activities in the Church have been pushed to Paul VI center. His Lordship Benoit Bala who disappeared last May 30 was only found dead two days later and Catholic Bishops have maintained that he was brutally assassinated.