Former Lokoundje D.O expected in court in murder trial

The former Divisional Officer for Lokoundje, Franck Derlin Ebanga Oyono, whose whereabout is not known as of now, is expected to answer to accusations of murder. He is accused of murdering his 23 year-old former girlfriend Lydinne Solange Taba.
The first court hearing has been scheduled for this August 12 at the Ebolowa military tribunal some two years after the death of the lady. Lydienne Taba was found dead on the night of July 25-26 2020 in her ex-boyfriend’s house in Kribi in the Ocean division. At the time of her death, she was two months pregnant.
It is reported that a gun owned by the former D.O. was used to execute her.
A few weeks after her death, the Senior Divisional Officer for the Ocean division announced the case had been taken to the military tribunal and the suspected murderer had been detained and later taken to an unknown destination. A decree taking him off his duties of D.O followed on September 9 2020.
Lydinne Solange Taba had been burried in the South region but her parents and lawyers are determined to get justice for their offspring whose life was brutally and prematurely brought to an end.