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Defense Minister Collapses In Yaounde, Situation Stabilizing

YAOUNDE,Centre-Tuesday September 25, 2018-3:06 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) Participants in a ceremony at the military head quarters in Yaounde, Cameroon, were taken by surprise, as Joseph Beti Assomo, collapsed on the pulpit, while delivering a speech.
The Minsiter of Defense was immediately rushed to the Yaounde General Hospital, after first aid was administered him at the site of incident.
CNA has gathered from an impecable source that, he suffered from Hypoglycemia, a sign of low sugar presence in the blood.
Latest information is that the Minister’s health is stabilizing.
CNA also gathered from witnesses that Cameras of Journalists were seized and later released.
It is not clear whether their videos were deleted.