CCREAD Trains Over 40 Youths On Organisational Sustainability In Buea

The Centre for Community Regeneration and Development, CCREAD, is currently training over 40 youths on organisational sustainability. The 3-day capacity building for CCREAD staff, other individuals and staff from different NGOs runs from Tuesday, July 28 to 30, 2020.
Project formulation, resource Mobilization, partnership building are the focus of the training which is sponsored by CCREAD.
According to the team leader who doubles as founder of this local organisation, Hilary Ngide Ewang, the training is the 2nd annual capacity development workshop for CCREAD staff to give them the skills they need in planning projects, mobilising communities and building partnerships. However, this year’s edition welcomed staff from different NGOs from the Littoral, West, Centre and North West Regions.
One of CCREAD’s staff, Belinda Nkede said she has learnt how to identify problems in the society and build projects around them. She also added that she now understands why long and short terms should have sustainability plans.
Other programs run by CREAD
After a tour at the newly constructed head office in Bwetingi, Buea, other vocational programs run by CCREAD were noticeable. More than 120 youths and adults could be seen very busy at the 3 different departments-Hair dressing, Basic ICT and Tailoring.
A little chat with some of them confirmed they paid no fee to learn any of the skills they are acquiring at the community development centre. Just a demonstration of interest via registration on a piece of paper confirming the consent of parents earned them trainee positions at the organization.
A woodwork student at Checkpoint, lone male trainee at the Tailoring department of CCREAD, Harrison Solomon Otia says the program is a dream come true for him because his passion for chair designing has been supported by free training from CCREAD.
Also, Embeh Colette Agi, a mother of more than one and student in the hairdressing department says the skills will help fetch her some money to cater for herself and family.
Aside from the hairdressing, tailoring and IT training departments of CCREAD, the one time winner of the UNESCO-Japan prize on education also carries out activities on humanitarian response, livelihood support, cultural Support programs among others.
With branches in Kupe Muaneneguba, Idenau, Limbe and Buea, CCREAD was created in 2006 and one of its biggest challenges is to get funding to run their projects. However, they struggle to do cost-effective activities for things to move forward.