Religious leaders welcome Canadian mediation in anglophone regions

Following the Government’s resistance to peace mediation from Canada, religious leaders in Cameroon have expressed their satisfaction with the recent announcement made by the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Melanin Joly, towards a solicited peace process to find appropriate solutions to the armed conflict in the North West and South West regions.
The information is contained in a release signed by some prominent religious leaders in the country recently.

The initial agreement was well saluted and highly welcomed by these religious leaders who have been first-hand witnesses of the devastating war effects.
The frontline advocates of peace underlined the Canadian peace movement as a major step towards the search for true, sustainable, and lasting peace in these two regions.
According to the religious authorities, this has been their prayer for years now and they hope the Canadian government’s mediation will open the door for an inclusive dialogue that should lead to a peaceful resolution of the armed conflict.
They however appealed to all stakeholders in this processes to be honest, God-fearing, humble and patriotic throughout the peace deal and allow the spirit of God to assist them in their deliberations.
“It is our hope and prayer that all the parties will keep aside their personal, political and exclusive interests but will determinedly work for the common good inspired by truth, justice, love, and equity”.
They also highlighted that violence, killings, roadblocks, and intimidation amongst others still prevail in the English-speaking regions and they plead for a ceasefire by all parties involved as the population still lives in fear and insecurity.
The religious authorities implore the international community to assist in conflict resolution without any bias for egoistic interest so that peace finally returns.
They concluded by calling on every Cameroonian to pray, stay positive and be pro-peace till it is finally attained.