Cameroon-GCE Exams: Chiefs Can Use ‘Juju’ to Maintain Security During Examinations-SW Governor

Southwest governor Bernard Okalia Bilai has suggested that traditional rulers in the region use their secrete groups like Nganya, Male, Obasinjon amongst others to secure schools during the 2017 June session of the General Certificate of Education Examinations, GCE.
Mr Okalia during a meeting with stakeholders chaired by Secondary education Minister, jokingly said if the custodians of the tradition could use their secrete groups to threaten administrators; they can also use to frighten unknown men who are ready to disrupt exams.
Security of students during the exams preoccupied school principals who demanding to know how the administration was going to ensure that all centers are secured. The debate was hot and some questions too difficult for Minister Ngale Bibehe to answer.
However the report on the ground on the level of preparedness was satisfactory to the Secondary education boss.
His next visit will be to the Northwest region.