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Google Experts To Speak At Seven Advanced Academy Fireside Chat Event In Douala

Google’s Senior Software and Machine Learning Engineer Dr. Phillipe Gervais and Seven Academy Founder, Mrs. Estelle Yomba, will on Thursday, February 13, 2020, from 11 AM at the Amphitheatre 200, campus A, University of Douala, thrill tech enthusiasts in a Fireside discussion. Seven Advanced Academy Director of Communications, George Munang has confirmed that entry is free.

The surprising visit falls within the yearly working visit of Cameroonian born US-based Mrs. Estelle Yomba, founder of Seven Academy and Sr. Technical Program Manager at Google.

Dr. Phillipe Gervais who will be in Cameroon for the first time has said that he is excited to meet those he calls “Young smart Africans”

The press covered Fireside chat event will be under the theme: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE 21ST CENTURY, HOW TO IMPACT THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR SOCIETY.

In a press release, the Director of Communications, George Munang said, “The fireside chat will be moderated by Mr. Akah Larry Harvey, Director of engineering at Seven Academy. He is an Udacity certified Android Developer, 25Under25 Internet Society winner, and an Open-Classrooms Android Mentor.”

According to Seven Advanced Academy, the essence of the event is to expose university students to professional practices in the corporate world. Teach them how to use their scientific and academic knowledge to develop technological solutions for the wellbeing of their communities. 

“This event is in line with the core values of Seven Advanced Academy which is poised to mold young Cameroonians to be able to answer the major question: WHAT CAN YOU DO? In the professional market. ” The release read.

Participation will deeply Concern those passionate about research, technology, science, and innovation.

To secure your place for the important event contact the following:

Whatsapp: 658 06 69 82 Call: 675 18 75 68, 652503860


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