Biafra, Cabinda Region Heed To Ceasefire Call From OEAS

Accra, Ghana:
On March 30, 2020, the OEAS called for a Pan African Ceasefire to facilitate the movement of humanitarian workers and aid needed to fight COVID-19 in Africa’s must vulnerable regions. The OEAS was inspired by the success of OEAS member The Southern Cameroons Defense Forces (SOCADEF) which had declared 14 day cease fire so that COVID-19 aid workers could set up in Ambazonia.
The OEAS has since confirmed that two of its front line members, Biafra and Cabinda, have joined the COVID-19 Pan African Ceasefire. In Biafra, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) which seeks self-determination for the formerly independent southeast region of Nigeria has announced it is making the fight against COVID-19 its priority.
Another OEAS member state, Cabinda, which has been seeking independence since 1974 from Angola also joined the Pan Africa Ceasefire. The Movimento Independentista de Cabinda (MIC) announced the temporary suspension of all confrontational activities in order to combat and prevent the spread of the COVID-19. Both MIC and the Front for the Liberation of the State of Cabinda (FLEC) report the Angolan armed forces have been using the COVID-19 crisis as an excuse for a crackdown in Cabinda activists.
The Organization of Emerging African States (OEAS) is a United States 501(c)(3) public charity registered with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs NGO Branch and The European Commission Authentication System (ECAS) with members throughout Africa and the European Union and a branch office in Accra, Ghana.
For more information contact:
House Number 67, Ecowas Road,
Agbogba, Accra-Ghana