Anti COVID-19 Materials: MINAT Boss Asks Governors To Get Set For Distribution

The prescription of the Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji, is contained in a fax message dated April 22, 2020. The modalities of distribution of the presidential donation, offered to the 360 subdivisions of Cameroon, as part of the fight against the coronavirus, are clarified.
According to this manifesto, the distribution of the special gift from the president of the République will be steered by the distribution committees, which will be created by the SDOs, under the supervision of the regional governors.
They will be composed as follows:
– A president of the Committee,
– a vice-president,
– a D.O with territorial competence,
– a mayor of these, members,
– a commander of the Gendarmerie brigade,
– a commissioner of public and special security,
– an imam,
– a parish priest,
– a pastor and
– a representative of traditional chiefdoms.
All must be from the administrative unit concerned. In the same fax message, Paul Atanga Nji specifies that donations must be distributed in a transparent and public manner to the beneficiary populations within 8 days from the date of their reception.
Distribution should take into account;
* training hospital,
* schools;
*training centers .
After distribution, a report must be sent to MINAT within 10 days.
It should be recalled the special gist of the Head of State comprises hygienic products and medical kits evaluated to the tune of FCFA 02 (two) billion includes:
-50,000 cartons of laundry soap, that is four million pieces of soap;
-One million five hundred (1.5 Million) thousand facemasks for the population;
-Fifty thousand (50.000) surgical masks for health personnel;
-Seventy-five thousand (75.000) buckets for household use;
-40.000, 30-litre hand-washing cans;
Rapid screening test kits;
Respiratory devices for hospitals.