Ndogssimbi inhabitants, worshippers fight over noise

Inhabitants of Ndogssimbi, a locality in the Douala III municipality, and some members of a pentecostal church have sustained minor injuries after they engaged in a physical fight.
According to the inhabitants of Ndogssimbi, the church pastor and his christians have deprived them of their usual peace and tranquility through the loud music played in the church:
“Every blessed day and night our ear drums suffer because of loud noise from the musical instruments they play. When they start singing and playing the drums, we are in trouble. If they have mercy on us they will play and stop at 10:30pm or 11:00pm. Some of them know I am sick yet they play the instruments loudly none stop” a grandmother whose name CNA got as Ma Coco complains.
“The noise from the jazz bands, drums and more can even affect a one-on-one conversation” another inhabitant adds.
Information given by one of the locals is that the church premise was originally supposed to be a restaurant:
” A nephew of mine told me he was opening a restaurant. After sometime, people began flooding the fenced premise. Subsequently, a loud noise from musical instruments and worship songs both in the day and night disturbing the entire neighborhood stated emanating from there. When I approached him, he said there was no church there.” Mr Francis a local narrates.
Meeting the said restaurant operator, he was adamant it is only a restaurant he runs, presenting some documents to prove his statement. He however said once done with his morning sales, the proprietor of the house generally organizes prayers with his relatives and friends.
Forces of law and order informed called for calm and opened investigations to resolve the matter.