Advanced Technical Certificate & Intermediate Technical Certificate Examination Structure For Technical English Schools In Cameroon

By Simon D.
Recently a workshop was held at the Cameroon GCE Board for the implementation of the ATC and ITC Examination Structure for Technical English schools in Cameroon for the ITC and ATC, at the Intermediate Level ( I/L) and Advanced Level (A/L) respectively.
This is to enforce the ministerial text which earlier abolished the writing of CAP, Probatoire a BACC in English Technical Schools in favor of the Intermediate Technical Certificate (ITC) and Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC). This is to institute the long-awaited English subsystem of education to Technical English Schools in Cameroon.
The outcome of the workshop clearly specifies GCE subjects and papers to be written at both levels, the structure of each specialty/subject, registration requirements and pass/fail conditions.
Paper 1 of each subject shall be made up of Multiple Choice Questions.
ATC and ITC Examination Structure for Technical English Schools
Examination subjects for ITC are classified as; Professional, Related Profesional, and Others.
Both Professional and Related Professional are compulsory. English and French are also compulsory, while mathematics is only compulsory for industrial students.
Pass at the ITC is five (5) papers with at least two professional subjects and 1 related professional subject. The minimum subjects to be registered at this level is 9.
ATC and ITC Examination Structure for Technical English Schools
The minimum number of subjects to be registered at the ATC is six (6) and a pass is a minimum of 4 subjects with a pass in at least 2 professional subjects and 2 related professional subjects.
This ATC and ITC Examination Structure for Technical English Schools in Cameroon shall take effect as from the 2020 session of the GCE examination.
Teachers and students are expected to have a copy of both the WORKSHOP report and examination papers structure so as to get both the students and teachers acquainted to the new system,
The detail for the workshop resolutions and structure ATC and ICT GCE subjects of the exam is contained in two separate documents uploaded here in PDF
Please kindly download the PDF documents below, read it carefully, and do not forget to share it with others.👇🏿