2018 Varsity Games: INJS Dethrones University of Douala, UB Maintains Poor Records

MAROUA, Cameroon-Sunday May 13, 2018-10:30 AM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) The National Institute of Youth and Sport, INJS, has emerged winner of this year’s 21st University Games organized by the University of Maroua, bagging home 15 gold medals, 6 ahead of last year’s champion.
The University of Douala came on the 3rd spot this year with just 9 Gold medals, behind the University of Yaoundé I which had 11 gold medals.

Meanwhile the University Institute of Golf of Guinea, IUG, maintained its supremacy as the 1st private University on the classification table and 4th in general.
The University of Buea football girls grabbed a late Silver medal in the final, after missing out 2-4 in a post match penalty against the girls of the University of Yaoundé II.
Higher Education Minister Fame Ndongo(right) handing the Games baton to Rector of the University of Ngoundere
Team UB ended on the 15th position behind baby, Catholic University Institute of Buea which had a gold medal. University of Buea is the only State University to end the one week competition without a gold medal, one of its worst participation.
Sister University of Bamenda, is classified on the 11th spot with one Gold medal, 4 Silver and 10 Bronze.
The Games ended with the University of Dschang in the West Region, chosen as host of the next edition come 2019.