2017 GCE Examinations: Absences, Tight Security, Tension Recorded on Day One

The June session of the 2017 General Certificate of Education Examinations in the English sub system of education has kicked-off all over the national territory with officials of the Board expressing satisfaction.
Dr Humphrey Ekema Monono Registrar of the board who toured some schools in Buea said day one was successful. He was flanked by South West Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai who said despite the threats by some unknown men, he was happy that the students were going about their respective activities without fear.
But this year’s GCE no matter the positive aspect on day one, some happenings and circumstances was a clear indication that all was not a bed of roses.
Local media reports have raised an alarming figure of absences in respective schools. At the Government Bilingual High School Down Town for instance, which hosted almost all other schools witnessed some absences on day one, about 6000 students were expected to take part in the exams this year but reports indicates just about over 1000 answered present.
Equinoxe radio correspondent revealed that at GBHS Bamenda out of 173 students expected for first subject in A/L, only 91 were present while out of 273 awaited for O/L only 148 came for the exercise.
Most halls were visibly empty as students were sparsely distributed. In Buea like other areas such as Kumba, Limbe among others all the students came to school with assorted uniforms for fear of the unknown.
Security was top on the agenda with uniform men making an unprecedented presence in all examination halls. The men are armed to the level of their teeth.
Tension And Late Coming
There was tension at Government Bilingual High School Down Town where over 20 students who could not find their names on the list were simply told to return home. The students vowed that the authorities must respect instructions from Secondary education boss or they will disrupt the exercise.They were later admitted int0 the halls after they insisted that officials allow them take the subjects alongside others to be sure that their scripts will reach the right quarters.
Most students also came late for their exams due to ghost town. In major towns, vehicles were not circulating ,they had to trek for long distances.