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Panicky Cameroon Government Unleashes Diplomatic Bullets, Cajoles Cameroonians To Support Paul Biya

DOUALA,Cameroon -Tuesday May 28, 2019-3:10 PM Local Time(Cameroon News Agency) Faced with unprecedented international pressure from the US, EU,UN Security Council, Rights Groups, Cameroonian Diaspora, the government of Cameroon has said Cameroon’s problems will only be solved by Cameroonians. External Relations Minister Le Jeune Mbella Mbella in a Press Conference Tuesday, said groups accusing Soldiers of atrocities have a political agenda to destabilize Cameroon, CNA gathered.

The Minister said that Soldiers have been very professional in executing their duties while maintaining peace in the restive Anglophone regions. He said though if found guilty of abuses, they will be punished. But he did not say anything about several rape cases that have come up against the regular army.


With regard to the situation in the northwestern and southwestern regions, which are the focus of attention, the Government would like to recall that Cameroon continues to face criminal acts in this part of the territory. and destabilization

perpetrated by secessionist groups using terrorist methods, which have caused many lives, refugees and internally displaced persons, as well as extensive material damage and the destruction of the economic fabric of these areas.

In the light of the latest developments on the ground, it is clear that secessionist demands have given way to criminal acts and banditry, with kidnappings and ransom demands.

The Cameroonian army is on the ground only to protect people and their property against secessionist terrorists and to fulfill its sovereign duty to protect territorial integrity.

In their task of securing crisis-ridden regions, elements of the Defense and Security Forces have always been professional, despite the acts of aggression and provocation by separatist armed gangs.

In addition, where there are situations of proven violations of human rights, sanctions are imposed on offenders.

Regarding the situation portrayed by some NGOs as a “major humanitarian crisis” and noting that there is currently
more than 4,300,000 internally displaced persons in the regions concerned, I want to make it clear that these figures do not reflect the reality on the ground

This shows willingness that NGOs have a specific agenda, consistent with the objectives of their donors. They instrumentalize human rights institutions with national and international relays to implement their policies.The Government is continuing its efforts to restore peace in both regions.

The Government is tireless in its efforts to find a Cameroonian-Cameroonian solution, but it also needs the support of its partners as you accompany it in the process of appeasement.

Any action to challenge the decision of the Constitutional Council by any citizen is an attack on the republican order, punishable by penalties provided by the regulations in force.

Cameroon stands and fully assumes its commitments and responsibilities vis-Ă -vis its people and within the international community.

In short, this pessimism surrounding, even this disaster in which we want to envelop Cameroon, is unjustified and hides bad intentions unhealthy.

I would like to reiterate here the determination of the HEAD OF STATE to find a definitive solution to the crisis in the North West and South West regions. Help him to succeed in this delicate and difficult mission by avoiding declarations, actions that tend to poison the situation.

I would like to reiterate here the determination of the HEAD OF STATE to find a definitive solution to the crisis in the North West and South West regions. Help him to succeed in this delicate and difficult mission by avoiding declarations, actions that tend to poison the situation.

I have no doubt that each and every one of us here will make an appreciable contribution to ensure that Cameroon continues, as in the past, to remain standing.

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