Song-Mbengue – Nagmbe stretch of road, a nightmare

NGONGSAMBA- Inhabitants of Song-Mbengue and Ngambe decry the muddy and slippery nature of the 30km seasonal road linking up both communities in the Sanaga Maritime Division of the Littoral region.
” The road condition this rainy season is horrible. When rain falls, the road stretch becomes practically impassable,” a stranded passenger cried out.
While embarking on a journey during this rainy period, everyone must be well prepared to meet the ugly state of the road and ready to trample in mud. A compulsory exercise if they want to continue the journey.
“Once here, anybody claiming neatness has to drop that in the trash bin. Everyone is obliged to step down and assist the driver push, for the vehicle to climb the slippery hill and other impassable places. You can imagine what you will look like before reaching your destination.” The passenger added.
If the populations of these two communities have been silent throughout the dry season because of better climatic conditions, they have decided this rainy season to voice out their predicaments to the powers that be, for the ever-busy Song-Mbengue – Ngambe stretch of road to be tarred.
This way, transportation will be flexible, swift, and cheap.