Yaounde: government compensates over 760 persons displaced during construction of SONATREL transmission lines

Some inhabitants of the Nyom II, Nkolomdom, and Olembe neighborhoods in Yaounde I have been compensated following the loss of their property during the construction of the electric energy transmission lines by the National Society of Transportation of Electricity, SONATREL.
The compensation of over F CFA 5 billion was given to over 760 persons by the Divisional Officer (D.O.) of the Mfoundi division, Emmanuel Mariel Djikdent on October 12, 2022 in Yaounde.
One of the beneficiaries, Romaine Mballa, a resident of Nyom II village expressed her satisfaction with the support received:
“I am really happy with the money I was given. I am going to do something that I will remember forever. I was given F CFA 144,000 and this will allow me to repair my pigsty.”
According to the D.O. for Mfoundi, Emmanuel Mariel, prior to the donation, a commission of experts was deployed in the field to assess the damages caused and he says they are pleased to offer some little form of compensation to these victims:
“Some experts were deployed on the ground to see to wat extent damage was caused and although there may be cases of omission, all requests will be well examined.”
He invited the population to use the funds given for a good cause.
The process which began on October 12th will run until October 17th 2022.