YALI West Africa, Partners With HYSACAM, Limbe I Council To Clean Downbeach Debris

Marine debris, also known as marine litter, is human-created waste that has deliberately or accidentally been released in a sea or ocean. Floating oceanic debris at the Limbe beach has accumulated at the centre of gyres and on coastlines, frequently washing aground. Ocean dumping has greatly affected the environment in Limbe. To remedy this, a group of young Cameroonians under the umbrella of YALI Regional Leadership Centre for West Africa on Saturday August 8, 2020, carried out a clean-up campaign at Down Beach Limbe in partnership with the waste collection company, HYSACAM and the Limbe 1 Sub-division.
The Online cohort 13 participants have been undergoing leadership training for over 6 months now. As a requirement for the completion of the training, participants/trainees are expected to carry out a Community Service Project as a their own contribution to their communities.

According to the leader, Isabel Akum “The main objective of this clean-up campaign is to help reduce air pollution and environmental degradation and also to make the beach look attractive to all visitors. Hysacam on its part made an appeal for inhabitants in and around Limbe to make use of their different trash cans and refuse dumping sites in the city so as to control the amount of waste deposited at the Beach whenever it rains.”
These young leaders are calling on other youths and cultural organizations to volunteer and clean-up portions of the beach from time to time since it is a leisure and touristic site attracting people from all corners of Cameroon.
“Collective effort will amount to something meaningful!” Ms Isabel assured.