Two suspected burglars in court

Two suspected burglars apprehended by elements of the Mbandjock Gendarmerie Brigade in the Upper Sanaga division of the Centre region have been transferred to the Nanga Eboko Court of First Instance on Wednesday April 5, 2023 to answer to accusations levied against them. This was after they were presented to the public on April 4.
The two suspected burglars aged 35 and 43 are accused of setaling from a woman’s shop in the Mbandjock market recently.
“The two suspects had burgled into a woman’s shop on the night of March 30 to March 31. Following a complaint filed by the woman, we went and discovered a large stock of her goods were stolen. We immediately opened investigation to track down the culprits,” explained Commander of the Mbandjock Gendarmerie Brigade .
Following the investigation opened, gendarmes succeeded to lay hands on the suspects on April 2 in the Gare neighbourhood with the stolen items in their possession recovered.
“It was at 6:00pm that we managed to apprehend them in quartier de la Gare. They took us to their hide out where we conducted a thorough search of their house. It permitted us to recover all the stolen goods worth about 5 millions FCFA, ready for the black market. Amongst the stolen goods were also two traveler’s bags of 100kg containing diverse articles, 189 pieces of fabric of different brands, 16 sports wears and 37 pairs of shoes,” the Mbandjock Gendarmerie official added.
The population has been urged to remain vigilant and not hesitate to alert the forces of law and order when they are victims of theft or suspect any criminal activity around them.