Gov’t Forces Kill Ambazonia General Ayeke

The population of Kumba, southwest region, on Tuesday October 13, 2020 gathered to witness the display of the corpse of an Ambazonia Separatists commander, General Ayeke.

According to the 6th Military sector, they killed General Ayeke in a bloody fight around Besali in Wabane Sub Division, Lebialem Division in the South West region.
One soldier is reported to have died. The camp was destroyed and other fighters escaped. The corpse was flown to Kumba in a military helicopter. It will be taken to the Governor of the South West region, CNA gathered.

This is not the first time that government has claimed they killed the Ambazonia General. Tuesday’s allegations have been backed by pictures displayed.
The Commander of the Gorrila fighters sent out one of the first videos of Ambazonia independence day celebration on October 1, 2020.
Three women were rescued from the camp and taken away, one having a baby.
Ayeke is from Mmockmbie in Alou.