Tribute to Martin Fon Yembe, The ‘Martin Luther’ of Ndu

Ndu, Cameroon-Saturday October 14, 2017-12:04 AM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) Tributes have been paid to the late Deputy Mayor of the Ndu Council, Martin Fon Yembe who died on October 2, 2017 after what family termed denial of access to proper medical care by administrative officals. The man widely called the Martin Luther of Ndu sub division and the entire North West region was buried last Saturday in his native Ngarum village. In an emotional tribute, the sister Yembe Victorine said her brother nurtured no fears nor regrets in his commitment to seek justice for all even in the face of imminent danger to his life describing him as a true hero.
Dear Brother
Your passing has shocked me. You have shocked the family. You have shocked the world. I can now confirm you were God-sent. Your selfless life style was as if you knew you were going to quit the stage in this way.
The radio program you did and sent to me Saturday 30th clearly demonstrated that you had a last message to the world; a message of Peace, a message of non violence and a message of justice. I used to blame you for spending your entire life not focusing on what could benefit you as a person. Now I can see that yours was a calling from God to be the voice for the voiceless by dabbling into politics and above all committing yourself fully to the fight for freedom, against injustices and the inalienable rights of God’s people.
You were and remain a true brother and friend, but to the wider family you found through your activities, it is evident that you were the *Martin Luther* of our times risking all so that your people could be free.
The reactions from across the world following your demise are clear testimonies of this fact. Brother Martin you nurtured no fears nor regrets in your commitment to seek justice for all even in the face of imminent danger to your life and the lives of the family members and no matter whatever amount of pressure we tried to put on you to dissuade you, you simply turned around and maintained your resolve by saying *what will be will be* the same words you repeated during your radio broadcast on Saturday, September 30th, 2017; and here we are today bidding you farewell for fighting for justice for your people.
Your passing has widened the vacuum in my entire life. After crying to no avail, I have decided to rather celebrate you.
Many people call you freedom fighter, seasoned journalist, astute politician, mentor, teacher, preacher, encyclopedia, voice of the community etc. The greatest thing you did is that you gave your life to Christ and lived according to Biblical principles.
I remember you always saying, ” It is better to live for something than to die for nothing”. You live and died for what you were passionate about.
May the good Lord grant you eternal rest till we meet to part no more. My regards to Papa, Mama,Lawrencia,Yvonne, Sister Mugob, Njobara, Brother Anthony, Ivo, Pamela, Relindis and Mira.
I love you brother
Yembe Victorine