International News

The crimes of Ayaba Cho Lucas against civilians in Anglophone regions

On Tuesday, September 24, 2024, the Norwegian Police announced that the Crimes Investigation Service had arrested the Commander-in-Chief of the AMbazonia Governing Council, ADF, Ayaba Cho Lucas, in Norway.

Though the unit did not disclose the name of the person arrested, it gave hints that the person is a German national and has been allegedly committing crimes against humanity in Cameroon.

The only German national of Cameroon descent living in Norway and involved in the conflict in Cameroon’s Anglophone regions is Ayaba Cho Lucas, who is the leader of the Ambazonia Governing Council and also heads the defense wing, ADF.

When the conflict started in 2016, several groups said Ayaba’s ADF was involved in targeting them instead of fighting the enemy. While the citizens paid no attention to this as it concerned armed groups, the situation has recently turned against them.

Let us take a few examples between 2023 and 2024:

The ADF under Ayaba’s command public executed two civilians in their stronghold Guzang, Momo division in the North West region. This incident happened on October 4, 2023, when these men were taken to the market square and shot at close range ADF kills two civilians for ‘collaborating’ with government forces – Cameroon News Agency. This act was widely condemned by national and international community with Amnesty International calling for investigations to be opened and perpetrators brought to justice. The ADF claimed that these people were collaborating with state forces but this has not been proven. CCFGA condemns Guzang killings, Says Federalism solution to the crisis – Cameroon News Agency

In another crime against the people of the North West region, the ADF carried out a public massacre of the people of three neighborhoods in Bamenda, the chief town of the North West region. The Nacho attacks resulted in the death of at least 10 civilians.

Read More: Investigation: How Nacho killings unfolded, ADF alleged involvement – Cameroon News Agency

CNA investigated this story and found out that these civilians were innocent though some are said to have been selling on Ghost Town Day, which has been instituted since 2017. Ayaba Cho claimed that the group was avenging the death of civilians killed by state forces in an abandoned building a few days before the Nacho killings. But many have asked why his group could not carry out the avenge on the State forces.

Lastly and most recently, the group has been involved in burning down Taxis in Bamenda that have not been painted white or blue. The unpopular policy of repainting Yellow Taxis sparked outrage and disagreement also among the separatists who said it was not time to force drivers to do so because the war was still going on.

Read our article on this: Ayaba Cho’s hoodlums burn down taxi in Bamenda – Cameroon News Agency

There are several other crimes committed against civilians in Cameroon’s Anglophone regions that have left many wondering if the Separatist group ADF and others are not fighting against them or the Cameroon army. These groups claim to fight for their rights but are instead violating human rights and committing crimes against humanity.

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