Suspected Boko Haram Militants Kill Nurse And Soldier In Two Separate Attacks

By Peter Kum
Maroua,Cameroon-June 27,2017 1: 57 pm Local Time(Cameroon News Agency)Armed men believed to be Boko Haram militants have killed a soldier in the morning of Tuesday June 27, 2017 at about 7: 30 am as they left Tchakamidari to Mora, military source has confirmed.
Report say two soldiers fell in a Boko Haram trap and one of them was killed, his gun and cartridge charger taken away. The second soldier succeeded in escaping.
Meanwhile Boko Haram elements last night attacked and killed a nurse in a drug store around Waza.
They stole all the drugs in the store and kidnapped a nurse. The kidnapped nurse was later found dead. According to military sources, many of the Boko Haram militants were wounded in recent attacks this explains why they are looking for medicine and a medical officer to treat them.