Martinez Zogo Affair: Justin Danwe maintains his boss, Maxine Eko Eko ordered the kidnapping of Martinez Zogo

The Martinez Zogo murder case has entered the phase of a confrontation. Confrontation between Divisional Commissioner of police, Maxime Eko Eko, former Director General of the Directorate General for External Research (DGRE) and Lt. Col. Justin Danwe, before the judge of the Yaounde Military court on November 14, 2023, lasted roughly 12 hours.
Justin Danwe since the case opened had made declarations he headed the commando that kidnapped and tortured Martinez Zogo to death.
While DGRE boss, Maxime Eko Eko declared he had no idea on the kidnapping, torture and killing of Martinez Zogo, Justin Danwe, responding to the judge maintained, he received orders from Maxime Eko Eko who even proposed him the sum of 150.000 FCFA to fuel the Prado jeep that was used to track Martinez Zogo.
The judge of the Yaounde Military court and his team noted during the different confrontations, divergence in the declarations of both Justin Danwe and his boss Maxime Eko Eko.
Media mogul, Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga and others detained in the Kondengui Central prison are also due to pass through the confrontation phase , for their declarations on the case.
The confrontation is part of the judge’s investigation to establish the truth, and take the case to another level.