SDF 9th Convention: Bamenda 2 Mayor Calls For Release of All Anglophones, FRU NDI Condemns Regime’s Poor Handling of Anglophone Crisis

By NFOR Hanson NCHANJI on Special SDF Convention Coverage In Bamenda
Bamenda, Cameroon-February 22, 2018-6:30 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) He had barely started his speech when the whole hall burst into thunderous applauds in approval of his utterances. Balick Awah Fidelis, the Mayor of Bamenda 2 Council was firm in his voice when giving a welcome address to participants at the SDF 9th Convention. In the presence of North West governor, Adolphe LELE L’AFRIQUE, the Mayor demanded that all those arrested within the context of the Anglophone crisis be released without delay.
Mr Balick said this release will be a sign of good faith on the part of the government that has promised to secure citizens. He also urged international observers present to take the plight of the Anglophones internationally.
Like him, the SDF Regional President, Hon Njong Evaristus said the people are frustrated with the Biya regime because it has refused to listen to the voice of the people. To Hon Njong, it is time to flush out the New Deal government of Paul Biya for its failures to satisfy the needs and the wants of Cameroonians.
In a long welcome address the National Chairman of the SDF boasted that his party is the only to organize it’s Convention regularly and has succeeded to renew the basic organs of the party both at the District and Regional levels in in difficult moments with the Anglophone crisis. FRU NDI said, “It is only the SDF that can organize events in such circumstances. Bamenda is the democratic bedrock of Cameroon and in-spite the challenges citizens go through, it remains Cameroons most hospitality town.”
NI John FRU NDI condemned the rise in hate speech, dwindling economy, looming devaluation, infrastructural decay, poor management of the Anglophone crisis among others.
He lamented that due to the regimes inability to solve the Anglophone crisis which to him was first a Union issue, has led to lose of lives, destruction of properties, migration which has led to growing refugee situation in neighboring Nigeria.
To Mr FRU NDI, such dismal performance by the Biya regime only gives the SDF chance to strategise and take over power in future.
In this light, John FRU NDI congratulated SDF Mayors, Members of the lower and upper houses of Parliament and other actors for standing up on behalf of the people of North West and South West region in the fight against marginalization.
“Youth and elders have an important role to play in this regard across Cameroon, since the President has stubbornly refused to listen to the people and instead wage war against them.” John FRU NDI said.
During the opening of the Convention, the International Socialist Party and the Women’s wing of the party congratulated the SDF party and promised their continuous support.
Though a quasi ghost town with most shops permanently closed, the quorum was attained with over 1106 delegates registered, as prescribed by Convention laws 2/3 was therefore attained giving way for the Convention to hold. Before the meeting started pending arrival of other delegates, North West was leading in number of delegates present with 269, South West 104, Littoral 151, Adamawa 113, North 108, Centre 111, East 45, Far North 80, West 70, while National Executive Committee, NEC had 79 and National Advisory Council, NAC 17.

Among other dignitaries present at the SDF Convention were Former Secretary-General at the Presidency of the Republic and Minister of Public Health TITUS EDZOA, representatives from the International Socialist Party, Representative of US Ambassador to Cameroon, North West Governor .
Friday February 23, 2018 will see the election of members of the National Executive Committee where the outgoing National Chairman, NI John FRU NDI could be the lone candidate to succeed himself.
Everything being equal, the election of the party’s candidate ahead of the 2018 Presidential election could hold this Friday or Saturday according to the Chairman who said he would not be running as a candidate, giving room for three members of Parliament; Hon Osih, Hon Nchinda and Hon Mbah Ndam to clash for the post.
Due to the importance of the event, North west governor extended the curfew for two hours only to Delegates taking part in the Convention, this means they will be able to stay out of home till 10 PM instead of 8PM.
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