Get Technical Assistance With Maibeta Technical Services

A new company specialized in the provision of technical assistance to its potential clients has been installed in Buea sub division around Bunduma tap.
The problem of access to reliable and professional technicians for home and office maintenance tasks is an ever-present one in our society and it is this problem that forced the founders of Maibeta to think of coming up with a solution to this problem after they themselves had suffered for a long time trying to hire reliable technicians for their jobs.
Maibeta was founded with the desire to make it easy for people to get access to the best technicians for jobs while at the same time having the guarantee of quality and reliability which is ensured by Maibeta.
Maibeta is a service company which offers maintenance and project management solutions for institutional and individual clients.
Maibeta provides the most skilled, reliable and professional technicians in the fields of plumbing, AC maintenance, carpentry, electricity, painting, building and tiles setting, building plan/3D models production, cleaning and much more.
The company works with a strong network of highly qualified technicians who undergo training in customer service to make sure that clients get the best value for money. Company agents are also a part of every field team to ensure that tasks assigned to technicians are carried out efficiently, rapidly and cost effectively.

Maibeta also manages construction, maintenance and development projects on behalf of clients in collaboration with experienced architects, engineers and project managers.
The vision of Maibeta is to serve its market in the best way and provide its customers with considerable value for money while saving them time and providing convenience which customers crave but don’t yet experience. The company is also looking to become the best and most reliable online platform to hire technical services.
Maibeta! Is a name to watch out for in the African entrepreneurial scene.