Population rejoices as DGSN prohibits police extortion from expired ID cards at check points

By Vera Fon
Some Cameroonians have always complained about the late production of Identity cards in the country. Some say they are sometimes harassed by police officers at the checkpoints because of expired ID cards.
The message signed by the Delegate General for National Security, Martin Mbarga Nguélé, prohibiting the withholding of identity documents from passengers, on the grounds that they have expired, have brought much relief to many who had lost all hopes.
This message includes the population of the regions of Adamawa, Extreme North, the North, East, Center, Littoral and the South.
According to the release, people can now travel with expired ID cards without being harassed by security forces.
“I am very happy with this new development; I can now go about my normal activities and even travel without any issue with my expired ID card. I made this ID three years ago and each time I go to collect, it is not available. I got tired and stopped going since they just keep prolonging, it is stressful. When you try to explain at the checkpoint, the officers behave like its your fault the card is not out,” one of the inhabitants said in a comment.
Despite this measure presumed to be good for the population, citizens from the NW, SW and the West decry being left from the list of regions to benefit from this new development.
After making waves on social media, we could read some people saying: “These people have shared the country, they have added the West to the North West and South West activating the mode of special status,”.
Some even went ahead to say: “They did not include us in this new development, so let no one try using this document in the NW, SW or West regions in the region,”.